Strengths of the employee at the interview

Employee Strengths is a topic discussed in almost every job interview. If we don’t prepare ourselves for it properly, we can become unbelievable in the eyes of the recruiter, and improvising in this case may turn out to be a bad idea. Due to the fact that one of the most frequently asked questions during the recruitment process is: What are your strengths? It is worth considering. How to find your strengths and argue them? Read the article and learn more!

How to find your strengths?

Often times, especially when our confidence is low, we feel that that we actually do not have strengths and advantages that would be worth mentioning. However, such a response to the interview could disqualify us immediately. Everyone has a positive trait that allows us to be recognized as a better employee. All you need to do is analyze this question.

How can I help myself? For example, browsing job advertisements in the profession that interests us. Thanks to this, we will be able to see what employers expect from us. Perhaps only then will we realize that the strengths of the employee referred to in the advertisement are in fact our strengths. Let’s also think about what we are good at, what distinguishes us and what we are proud of.

Presentation of strengths in the interview

If we are asked to present our strengths, we should speak confidently, then we increase our credibility. We certainly should let go of learning a short speech and reciting. The recruiter must feel that the strengths of the employee are mentioned translate into reality. For the same reason, lying and shooting is also not an option – besides, it can be really easily verified.

Remember not to go to extremes. Let’s choose 2, top 3 strengths and focus only on them. Of course, it’s best if we match them to the offer as much as possible. An hour-long story about our 30 strengths is certainly not going to be well received, but on the other hand, a 2-minute mention of one strength isn’t a very good idea either.

To lend credence to your advantages, try add an example to each of them that shows that everything you say happened. Do not belittle your achievements, but also do not exalt yourself. Find the golden mean by listing employee strengths.

Employee strengths – examples

If still employee strengths is a distant topic for you and you have no idea what you could talk about during an interview, we present a set of advantages.

Effective time management – good organization of your work is highly appreciated by employers, especially when an employee has to perform many duties and with everything on time. A proper hierarchy of tasks and their step-by-step completion can significantly increase efficiency.

Example: Tell about your planning system, mention the applications or planners you use every day. Mention a situation where, thanks to the right organization, you managed to complete a large, demanding project over time, which consisted of several stages.

Creativity – in many industries this feature is especially appreciated. If it also applies to us, it is certainly worth mentioning. Thanks to creativity, we can efficiently and quickly perform tasks, propose new, original solutions or improve existing ones.

Example: Tell about a project that was successful thanks to your idea. Present the advertising slogans that you created in your previous job. Mention how the problem was solved with your suggestions.

Diligence – it’s no secret that every employer would like their employees to be as hardworking as possible. As a result, tasks are completed faster, are of great quality and the entire operation of the company is more effective.

Example: Tell us about how you combined full-time work with internship while studying. Mention all the times you did several things at once. Perhaps you studied two courses and also went to work? Of course, being diligent does not just mean having several jobs done at the same time. Carrying out many tasks in one company also proves that you are very far from laziness.

Effectiveness and persistence in action – employees who will not give up, until they finish the task entrusted to them, they are also valued in the labor market. They want to do the best job despite the obstacles they may encounter.

Example: Share how you have been recognized as employee of the month by completing a project that he seemed to be in a lost position. Tell about the tasks that were devoted and discouraging, but the goal made you complete.

Flexibility – nowadays flexibility is needed and important. Employers expect the employee to quickly adapt to the new conditions or duties.

Example: Tell about how you took over from someone who quit overnight, how you helped someone who just went on vacation with their tasks. Point out that taking over tasks was not difficult for you and you quickly moved into new or temporary duties.

Quick start to work – employees who want to the first weeks of work to be constantly supervised by someone are not desired in the labor market. First of all, the supervisor is then excluded from his duties for a long time. Of course, asking about doubts is not a bad thing, but the sooner we get down to work, the better.

Example: Tell us about how quickly you were implementing new systems in companies, how little time it took to start properly performing your tasks. Perhaps it took you much less time than other employees? If so, be sure to mention it.