Why do you want to work for our company? – how to answer?

Recruiting is stressful for most of us. Therefore, we want to prepare for it often to reduce anxiety and do our best. We get acquainted not only with the company’s activities but also with issues that may be asked by recruiters. Although there is no single set of questions in an interview, it cannot be denied that some of them appear more often. Undoubtedly, one of the most frequent questions is: Why do you want to work for our company? How to answer this question? Is it considered difficult? You will find the answers in our article.

Difficult question: Why do you want to work for our company?

Questions may arise during the interview, which we find difficult, tricky e.g. one of them is the famous question ” Why do you want to work for our company? “. When we hear them, our stress often increases, we don’t always know what to say. Of course, something else can be difficult for everyone, so it is impossible to say with certainty which questions will be.

However, the question of ” Why do you want to work for our company” is often seen as difficult. Sometimes we want to work in a given place because we do not have a job and we need to earn money. Not every job is driven by the desire to develop, expand skills and coincide with the vision of work. This is perfectly normal and we don’t have to blame ourselves if we are not looking for a job that comes from our passion.

If the potential employer is not perceived by the candidate as a developmental and interesting experience, the question of why we want to work here can be difficult. Of course, we don’t recommend lying in an interview, but telling the recruiter that we just care about being paid is not the best idea. The company is looking for people involved in it, and in such a case the employer may have doubts.

Why is the recruiter asking why?

Why is the question “Why do you want to work for our company”? There can be several reasons.

First, the recruiter wants to see if we have prepared for the interview, and these preparations should include, for example, getting to know the company’s website, company profile, mission, vision or story, if available. This proves that the candidate is really trying, i.e. he cares about employment.

The recruiter is not looking for an employee who will change the company after a month. I want to find someone who will join the team for a long time, will be committed and motivated. If the candidate already shows these qualities from the very beginning, his chances of being hired are increased.

Of course, recruiters also realize that you don’t always have to have any specific reasons, and you can still be a good worker, so it probably won’t be a key question that might cross out your chance for success, but it’s still worth getting ready for.

Why do you want to work for our company?

So what to answer when we hear: Why do you want to work for our company? What convinced you?

Company information and job posting

First of all, be thoroughly prepared in at least two aspects: read everything you can find about the company – its values, mission, vision, history. Look for articles, someone may have written about it, interviews with management, etc. Learn as much as you can. Additionally, remember what the job advertisement looked like. It happens that we answer so many of them that in the end, we do not know exactly what we applied for. Such a situation should not take place, it is always worth writing down the advertisements to which we have replied.

Why are these two points so important? Because they can help us answer this question and show that we are a person who really cares about working in a given company, that we attach a future to this place if only we are allowed to do so.

Companies often talk about the values ​​they live by. If they coincide with yours, it is definitely worth saying that you want to take the position, because you know that you will work in a place that has similar values, which is very important to create a harmonious, well-cooperating team.

You can also say that you really liked what the company offered in the job advertisement, for example, training, caring for the employee or even cultivating shared values. This is why it is worthwhile to read the advertisement well – you can refer to it later. It will also show the recruiter our commitment from the very first meeting.

Take advantage of being a client

If you use a company’s products or services – use it when you hear the question why you want to work for them. You can say that you have full confidence in the brand, you have never been disappointed with it, you like the way you work with the customer and you are convinced that if you feel that good as a customer, you will be treated just as well as an employee.

Emphasize what you have in common

Look for points in common with the company – we already mentioned values, but there can be many more. Perhaps the company supports a sports team that you are a fan of or is committed to the physical activity of employees and you are an avid runner. It is worth finding something that brings you closer to the company that is common. As we have said many times – it shows commitment, which is very important for the employer!

Although the question why you want to work for a given company may be difficult, all you need is a little preparation to know exactly what to answer when we hear them. It is asked for a reason, so the worst thing we can do is answer it or say that we are just looking for a job.